dairy free lifestyle

The Holy Mother-preneur of the Week! | The Willow Boutique & Salon

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This contest has turned into something WAY beyond what I envisioned and I'm SO thankful for that!! I'm so thankful that I can dream big and make even bigger things happen!! You can too ladies! You just gotta start and try and the BAM!!! That's how ALLLLL this got started in the first place! I prayed and asked God what he wanted me to do. He showed me the way! And I'm following him! It sounds simple and I know our brains can make things WAY more difficult than they are worth! But I would like to encourage you to ask God, "What are my God-given talents? What do you want me to be doing, Lord?" The answers may come fast than you were prepared for!!!

Today we are starting our Holy Motha Giveaway!! I will be featuring a Holy Mother-preneur of the week and the gifts we have up for grabs! Each winner will receive a copy of my e-cookbook, Thirty Nights of No Thinking, Just Healthy Eating, Four Grocery Lists and the Meal Plans too!!

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So, now, I would LOVE to introduce to y'all the Holy Mother-preneur's of the week: Candy Shipley & Brittany Pough, the owners of The Willow Salon and Boutique! These ladies are a force to be reckoned with!!! We met for a little interview and I got to know them both better!

HMP: Everyone has a story to tell! Why did you become a Holy Mother-prenuer?
Candy & Brittany: The opportunity arose and we jumped on it! The salon owner we were both working for decided to move on to greater things. So, we both became certified and approved in Aveda products and The Willow Salon and Boutique was born!

HMP: What drives you/keeps you going and serving your clients?
Candy & Brittany: We love giving our clients a safe place to feel special and the ingredients to feel healthier! We become their "therapists" and help them feel beautiful too!

HMP: What have you learned so far about being an entrepreneur that you can share with others?
Candy & Brittany: It takes a lot of dedication!! If you don’t have the heart for it, DON'T DO IT! There will be good times and overwhelming times - it’s all about balancing!!

HMP: What are three fun facts about each you?
1. I’m a published author!
2. I’m an artist and I have paintings hanging around town.
3. I love to "play" with hair dresser!!! I never grew up!!
1. I'm a perfectionist!
2. I spend most of my free time reading.
3. My guilty pleasure is shoes!!!

HMP: What do you do in your off time?
Candy: I love to spend time with my husband and my two dog babies, Stella and Luna. We also raise sheep!!
Brittany: On my off days, I meditate and do yoga to relax.

HMP: How can people connect with you?
Candy & Brittany: Facebook + Instagram

HMP: What sets you apart from other businesses?
Candy & Brittany: Our product lines and our personalities! The way we connect with our customers is unique and on a very personal level! Plus, everyone just loves our Patsy!! She’s our receptionist and the welcome committee!!

And now for our giveaway!! These ladies offer a product that is great for the environment and safe for us!! In order for these ladies to even cary this product line they MUST be certified! Brittany and Candy are giving away $50 worth of Aveda lipstick in the perfect fall shades!!

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If you would like to enter to win, please go to @hollylrobbins and follow the directions! 

Ten Tips for Transformation Tuesday!!

If you follow along with me on Instagram Stories you have seen my workout vids and hopefully you have seen PROGRESS too!!! While I was pregnant with Rocco I decided the year I turned 35 was going to be the year I got in the best shape of my life!! I changed my lifestyle with little changes here and there and they have added up to BIG RESULTS!! I want to share just a few things that I changed to add up to 44 pounds DOWN!

#1. Drink plenty of WATER! I work really hard to stay hydrated. I fill up my big 32 ounce Feti (faux Yeti!) cup and make it my goal to down four of those a day! I even set a timer in my phone to go off every hour reminding me to DRINK WATER! I know - totally dork - BUT it works!!

#2. I start my day with one cup of warm water and a freshly squeezed lemon. The health benefits are tremendous for just how simple this little cup is! Google it!

#3. I stopped eating anything that contained gluten! This started when my husband found out he had a gluten intolerance. It wasn’t as hard as I thought!!! If you want more info about gluten intolerance go visit celiac.org SOOO much info and if you have a food in question you can search that food on their website and it will list gluten containing ingredients!

#4. Shortly after my husband found out he had a gluten intolerance I did a juice cleanse. After completing the cleanse and totally detoxing I found out I have a DAIRY intolerance! Ugh, I was kinda disappointed because, well, PIZZA!! But there again, once I decided to stop eating dairy my body felt INCREDIBLE!! I know this isn’t for everyone! I do highly recommend giving it a try for just a week. . .or heck, what about three days?! Small goals people!!

#5. FRESH EVERYTHING! At least that is always my goal!!! Fresh veggies, fruits and meats instead of precessed, packaged foods!

#6. Workout at least three times a week! It was SO hard getting started but once I got back into this amazing routine my mind, body and soul became at ONE! I felt rejuvenated and alive again!!! Moving my body, stretching it and breathing fully all became a drug (A HEALTHY ONE!!).

#7. ACCOUNTABILITY! I realized pretty quickly that I needed an accountability partner for each of my goals! I have a friend that wakes up with my at 5:30am every morning. We text each other as soon as we wake up with “Good Morning” cheers about how awesome the day will be. I have my trainer that holds me accountable at the gym and my husband holds me accountable for cooking healthy meals before the sun sets! I have a cookbook to create and he makes sure things are in place and helps set the table for photos!

#8. MEAL PLAN! I plan out my meals for the week and then create a grocery list at the same time! Time saver! Killing two birds with one stone!!! Just being amazingly productive!!!
P.S. I will be giving away SEVEN dinner recipes AND a grocery list from my cookbook very soon!!! All you have to do is sign up for my newsletter and BAM! - seven nights you don't have to think about what's for dinner!!! ;)

Here is the sign up for those FREEBIES!! 

#9. Gratitude Journal! I had to change my thought process! My depression took over my thoughts and everything I wanted to do in life! Simple things like going to the grocery store turned into something I couldn’t do without feeling an anxiety attack in my chest! I start my day or end my night with writing out ALL the positives that happened that day NOT focusing on anything negative. In the beginning I had to DIG DEEP because I was turning everything into a negative! Now it’s much easier to see ALL the good in life!

#10. I stopped weighing myself! Instead of weighing in I started paying attention to the way my clothes fit. When you start working out you start gaining muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. In a lot of cases you start gaining weight! This can be extremely heart breaking when you are giving it your all at the gym and it’s NOT showing up on the scale. Don’t let that get to you!!! You didn’t gain 50 lbs overnight so losing 50 lbs AIN’T gonna happen overnight either!! 

I took these photos on March 12, 2018. I weighed 163lbs.

This morning, July 17, 2018, I woke up feeling lean, healthy and full of energy! Which is a HUGE difference from how I felt just four months ago! I now weigh 152 lbs.

Be patient with yourself, give yourself grace and focus on the small changes you want to make in your life! You can do it!!
