lake country photographers

Cailey, Jeremy and Brooklyn's Family Maternity Session | Lake Oconee


I’m so excited for my friends and old neighbors, Cailey, Jeremy and their sweet girl Brooklyn! They are expecting their second baby girl, Carter June, in just a few days!! I met them at their new home at the lake and we had a wonderful time!

We did photographs all over their home, which was new for me. I typically do photographs in natural light or outside. I LOVE the way their session turned out! I love all the locations because they mean something to them - they were home and comfortable! Oh and the girl’s rooms! Aren’t they both so beautiful?! So dreamy and fun! Cailey, will you decorate my kids rooms please??? ;)

While I was taking Brooklyn’s photographs she went and got her polaroid camera and began photographing her mom and dad. She even took my photo too! It’s hanging on my fridge. :) I cannot wait to see Brooklyn as a big sister!! Brooklyn is so beautiful and FULL of personality! I have no doubt she will be the best big sister and teach Carter June so much!

Cailey and Jeremy, I am praying for you guys! This is a fun transition for your family. I remember it took RyAnne a little bit of time to acclimate to her new role in our family. She was four years old when she got the title of big sister. I had to be so patient with her through the exhaustion of having a new little one to care for too - it wasn’t easy but, we survived!! Once RyAnne realized how helpful she was to her daddy, new baby sister and I, and the praise she was given for it, it all started to fall in to place for each of us. We all worked together as a family.

The sleepless nights are temporary. The connection and foundation being created from it will last forever!! It will be building blocks for your babies and how they handle life! So beautiful!!
