my best friend

In loving memory of my Lulu girl


“You my sweet girl, Lulu? I love you, baby.” This is what she went to bed to and woke up to hearing me say, in her ear, every single day and night. I was her support human and she was my support dog. We needed each other. 

It’s been a hard week watching her decline so quickly but I’m so thankful for this time that we have had to just take it slow and take each other in. I know she has felt so loved and as comfortable as I can make her. Lots of blankets and a heating pad. She loves to be hot - just like me. We even took a nap together on Tuesday. I have prayed over her and sang to her many times, over and over.

In a matter of just two days she declined so quickly but fought hard for three days. Her kidneys were no longer functioning and on Wednesday, April 28th, 2021 she met her Creator and found rest! After 15 years on this earth, most of that time spent in my arms, she is home.

God lead me to the passage in Genesis where He gave us humans authority over the animals on the land, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky. He wants us to respect His creations. I believe we upheld this by the way we respected and cared for her. This has brought me so much peace. And, when I start to hyperventilate-cry, I remind myself of the suffering she was enduring here on earth and start to praise God she is with Him, no longer in pain. 

I will miss our morning routine: walking into the pantry to make my coffee and seeing her big, round, glossy eyes peering out from under her covers at me and then she would breath hard and make her silly sounds. Coming home and hearing her tiny toe nails tapping on the hardwood floors as fast as they can get her to me and with her little tail wagging! Her stare! Oh man, if you ever asked her if she wanted a bath, she would give you the death stare and only, slightly look at you, as if, “I know you’re talking to me but if I don’t totally look at you this conversation doesn’t really exist!!” Her intense sneezes that would knock her head into the floor. We would giggle and feel bad for her all at the same time. Those big ol’ precious bat ears! Her super soft fur. Her crooked smile and snaggle teeth that would pop out one side of her mouth. I loved how she always wanted me to hold her.

My spunky, sweet, Lulu, my tiny best friend, I miss your nose kisses, puppy breath and warm noggin (where I kissed you) so much. 
