It's never too late. . .


God’s on fire in our community! Today we witnessed a husband and wife, James and Devi Moon, step up to declare their faith in Jesus and be baptized. Although they have been saved for quite some time they were ready to show the world who they serve.

No matter what your age, if you’re alive, God has a plan for you!!

I love that even though they are older, they humbled themselves and let God have the glory! They are choosing to STAND FIRM and not let the world sway them or make them feel embarrassed about how they serve our God! They set it all aside.

They are allowing God Almighty to be the author of their life story.

Such a beautiful surrender. If you are reading this and you do not have a relationship with Christ Jesus, I pray that you will decide that today is the day you will trust in Him. For more info check this out!!

Father, please help me lay down my burdens and surrender to you. Heal my relationship with myself and show me what it’s like to be still in moments of frustration. Allow me to see Your guiding light and continually make me aware of Satan’s targets on me. Bless me with the ability to confess my sins to my community, repent and SHUT SATAN DOWN with prayer and petition and thanksgiving! In Jesus name, AMEN!
