FOR the Circle - United WKND 2020

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Today at church, with tears streaming down my face and my soul shouting to the Lord, “THANK YOU!”, I photographed answered prayers! I’ve never seen this many prayers answered all at once! I watched as leaders baptized children over and over and OVER again!  

We, as a community, have been praying for lives to be changed, for God’s light to shine bright and y’all, the darkness had no choice but to flee!!!! 

The power of prayer is very real and it’s needed. Every. Single. DAY!! 

Please pray for your community. Pray without ceasing!! Cover the teachers that take care of your children, the leaders of your city, the ones that take care of the mundane responsibilities. Pray that every single person in your community will encounter Jesus today and every day! Pray for a movement that will change our history for God’s glory! Cover your babies in prayers so that they will be a light to others!

I’m praying for the children that have Jesus in their hearts as they face life here on earth as a Christian and praying for the ones that are on the fence about accepting Jesus into their life! The enemy is real and he will do everything he can to keep these babies from meeting with Jesus every day. We have the power to bring the light and force the enemy out!

Dear Lord, thank you so much for the children that have chosen to give their life to You and serve You! Guard each of their hearts Father. Put people in their life that will help nourish their relationship with You! Burden their hearts with a desire for quiet time with You so they will enrich their relationship with You through Your Word. 

Be with each attendee of UNITED WKND as they go to school tomorrow and give them opportunities to share what they did this weekend! Allow other’s interests to be peaked because of this. Move this community closer to You and allow us to share Your love as You have commanded of us Lord. 

We are fighting a battle. You say we are the light of the world. We are built for this battle and as the light of the world we will wake up to the truth of who You say we are and FIGHT! Because of You Lord the darkness will be pushed back!

What can we do Lord, how can we serve You and the needs of our community? What do You need us to do from here to continue this movement Jesus? 

I love You Lord, AMEN!