The Father's Arms Are Open Wide | Church at the Grove

What a morning! Today we celebrated our friend’s Jacqui and Jay’s son’s baptism. Nathan’s older brother, Nick, read the most touching letter he wrote to him. He proudly proclaimed that his brother, Nathan, wasn’t an ordinary kid. That he was going to change the world with his faith in the Lord!

As my relationships have grown deeper with my family at church, it’s becoming harder to photograph life events like this one! They mean more. I get to fight in prayer alongside my family. Do lots of life with my family. SEE prayers get answered with my family! The emotions are a lot higher while holding a camera up to my face and trying to focus. Oh goodness! lol Thankfully all the images are in focus!

I am so thankful, SO thankful, that God invited me in and has continued to challenge me to get closer, rub elbows a little harder, get to know my people on a deeper level and dig in to the nitty gritty hard times and celebrate the joys with my people. Y’all it’s hard! Not everyone lives the way I do and I don’t live the way they do. We have our differences and we choose to love each other anyway. We have to choose to keep showing up. I feel bad for those that don’t have this. I was once that person and know how hard that is. I also know how hard it is to keep showing up. It won’t get easier but it makes life better! Nathan, our pastor, quoted an African proverb, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” And, farther we have gone together!

The invitation is this: Show up and do life with your church.

The Challenge is to keep showing up and love on them!

Our pastor, Nathan, preached about the story of Cain and Abel. Cain was jealous when the Lord found favor in his brother for his offering. This tipped the scale for Cain and he killed Abel while they were out working their fields. When the Lord came to Cain and asked where his brother was, Cain replied, “Who am I? My brother’s keeper?” In Christian community, YES! I am responsible for my brothers and sisters in Christ! It is my responsibility to encourage my siblings to love others and hold them accountable to God’s covenant. Nathan went on to quote Hebrews. . .

See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.
— Hebrews 3:12-13

Holy Spirit, lead us! Forgive me Lord when I have failed to be my brothers and sisters keeper. Let me be bold for You and serve You well! In Jesus Name. Amen.