Will's Baptism

Will's Baptism August 9, 2020-36.jpg

The image above! Y’all it just gets me! While photographing these events for our church, although, they are all in the same baptismal, it’s never the same! Each person that steps in that water and publicly declares they are a follower of their Savior, they each have their own story. God will use them each in different ways to be a light in this dark world. Will, your face says it all baby. Your excitement for your Lord and Savior is so beautiful. I cannot wait to see how God uses you to further His Kingdom.

To his parents, you guys totally ROCK! I don’t know you guys very well but, THIS says so much about how you are raising your son. Thank you both for being a positive role model to us!

This was our first baptism since getting out of quarantine. If you missed it, THIS was our baptism just before quarantine! WHOA! The Holy Spirit was ALL over the place! In fact, every time our community comes together, I feel it!

Today, Pastor Nathan was preaching about COMMUNITY! He said,

- Community is a place to be KNOWN and to know others.
- Community is a place to be LOVED and to love others.
- Community is a place to be SERVED and to serve others.
- Community is a place to be CELEBRATED and to celebrate others.

When we confess our sins to God and to one another, in community, WE ARE HEALED!!!

It’s lonely and difficult to do things by ourselves. We need our family, our Biblical community, to feel loved, served, known and celebrated in order to experience God’s Freedom.

Today’s service really spoke to me and I hope you are feeling the importance of your community.

Two are better than one because they have a good return for their work. . .A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
- Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
